Payday Loans and cash advances at PayDayOK

Released on = July 18, 2006, 3:55 pm

Press Release Author = payday loan company

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Offers short-term pay day loans online.

Press Release Body = When is a payday loan not OK?

When you find yourself having to depend on it day after day, week after week. At
PayDayOK, we want to be here for you whenever you need us, but we don\'t want you to
think of us as a long term solution. So ask yourself, do you think of a cash advance
as part of your monthly income? Or as a short-term emergency solution? If we\'ve
become like an extra paycheck, maybe it\'s time you also considered these other

Try to have some savings.
Try even a few of these OK tips and you\'ll be amazed at what you can save.

PayDay OK's tips for finding money to save

Bring lunch to work

Clip and use coupons

Substitute regular coffee for those designer coffee drinks

Eat out 2 fewer times a month

Pay credit card bill on time to avoid late fee

Bounce one less check a month

Save $.50 a day in loose change

Cut soda/pop consumption by 1 liter a week

Comparison shop for gas

There are also some programs such as America Saves which can help you set monthly
goals as little as $10 so you can start building up savings. For more tips on saving
money, click here.

Try to negotiate directly with your creditors
Sometimes all it takes is asking to get a lower rate from a creditor. People with
big bank accounts ask all the time so don\'t be shy about it. You can also negotiate
for more time, or a payoff schedule. Just don\'t be afraid to ask!

Check with your state or county for assistance
A state program called the \"Prevention, Retention and Contingency Program\" offers
grant money to working poor families to help them maintain self-sufficiency. Each
county has its own eligibility requirements. Contact the Department of Human
Services in your state for help.

Apply for a loan at your financial institution
Try to see if you can get your bank or credit union to offer you a lower interest
loan to pay off debt -- then plan to start fresh!

Use part of your tax refund to pay off debts
This is a great way to pay down, or off, high cost loans. Be sure to try it the next
time you receive a refund. Finally, remember, whenever you decide to use a payday
loan cash advance, borrow only as much as you can afford to pay with your next
paycheck, but still keep enough for yourself so you can make it to next payday.

At PayDayOK, we\'re doing everything we can to make our loans the right choice . . .
at the right time.

Some loans are offered by a federally insured state financial institution not
affiliated with PayDay OK. PayDay OK does not grant or deny credit with respect to
these loans. All loans are subject to credit approval. Certain limitations apply.

Web Site =

Contact Details = antonio hicks
516 east winter
Greenville , 62246


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